


Linux, Networking, BGP

Things I keep on stumbling upon when managing my AS:

  • It's not birdc show route xxx - it's birdc show route xxx table all. I put the routes in a different kernel table, not the default one, so as not to use „my AS“ for requests originating from the server. (e.g. apt updates). I use my server providers network for that. Don't wanna overburden my peers' network capacity.
  • It's not ip route get xxx, it's ip route get xxx from <myas-ip>. Same vain, ip route get uses the default table, but I use a rule so only requests originating from one of my AS' IPs use the routes I received via BGP.
  • It's not ip rule, it's ip -6 rule. At least when viewing the IPv6 rule chain.
tech/linux_network_bgp.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/03/09 19:48 von uvok

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